About Projectletter

Projectletter is a weekly newsletter that contains detailed analyses of software projects.

The trouble is, these stories often go untold. They get lost in comment sections or scattered across various podcasts and talks.

We want to dig them out and understand:

  • What made them succeed (or fail)
  • How the teams were structured
  • What it actually cost in the end

What motivates us?

Because we believe in learning from experience - whether it’s our own or someone else’s. We believe in turning failure into a stepping stone for success. And most importantly, we believe that by sharing our stories, we can all become better professionals.

So, if you’ve ever wanted to learn from the untold stories of software development, you’re in the right place.

About Till

Till holds a Dipl.-Inf. (= Msc) in computer science. He is born in Germany, now lives in Dubai. Till conducts the interviews, and a team of writers summarizes the content for you to save time.

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Some projects contain confidential information. Or if they fail, people don’t want to talk about it. That’s why we anonymize the projects.

We believe we can get 99% of the good stuff out without our readers knowing the exact company behind it.

Become part of our community

The first thing is to subscribe, and give us feedback on the content. You’ll get more information as you go along.

Let’s learn, grow, and navigate our professional journey together.

Got a story?

Let’s talk about it! Email us at [email protected] - please include as many details as you can, and how much you want to disclose things.